Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law

one heaven iconVII.   Law

7.14 Corruption of Law

Article 329 - Prisoner of State

Canon 3394 (link)

A Prisoner of State, also known as a “Political Prisoner” is any person who entitled to certain rights by birth or citizenship is denied such rights by alienation and imprisonment by the policies of the Government because their beliefs or actions are considered in conflict, opposition or a perceived “threat” to the elite.

Canon 3395 (link)

Theword "alienation" and "alien" comes from the Latin root alieno meaning “to treat as a foreigner; toseize or transfer away someone’s property; to distort (the law) from its normalstate”. Hence, when a Government alienates its people, it seizes their property without fair recourse, distorts the law and treats them as foreigners.

Canon 3396 (link)

The most infamous use of such fascist and anti-capitalist law in history remains the United States of America against its own people, beginning with four laws passed by President John Adams in 1798 called the Alien and Sedition Acts, with one being the Alien Enemies Act 1798 still in effect and declared in force since the American Civil War. The law has been used to justify the theft of the private property of countless patriots and citizens of the United States by its Government.

Canon 3397 (link)

In 1940, the government of the District of Columbia falsely claiming to be the Government of the United States issued a new law called the Alien Registration Act (1940) effectively converting all United States citizens into registered resident aliens, disenfranchising them of all rights they believe are protected by the constitution. The law was repeated in many other nations with private central banks under Roman law.

Canon 3398 (link)

As registered resident aliens, people of nations under Roman Law require a Passport to leave and re-enter the land of their birth. Furthermore, if they fail to register they may be subject to arbitrary arrest, detainment without rights for being considered a threat to "national security" and an unregistered illegal alien. These powers are the basis of draconian police powers promoted under "anti-terrorism" laws and actions in nations under Roman law today.

Canon 3399 (link)

Alien and Sedition laws, in tandem with private international law of the Roman Cult have converted most nations since World War II into prisoner plantations, whereby people live under the false illusion of being free and possessing rights, when almost all rights and freedoms are at the whim of the private banks and trading families controlling the terms of bankruptcy, debt and therefore the effective function of Government.

Canon 3400 (link)

The conversion by politicians of their own people into Prisoners of State to protect the interests of a few elite bankers and traders is one of the greatest crimes against humanity to which most political leaders in most nations for the past sixty years are yet to be charged as criminals and traitors against their own people.

Canon 3401 (link)

Given all Private International law and all statutes defining "prisoner of the state " are founded on fraud, organized crime and treason by members of government against their own people, all such law is considered null and void from the beginning having no effect.

Canon 3402 (link)

As private central banks and commercial banks have effectively been treating developed societies as "political prisoners" and "commercial slaves" for over sixty years, all such institutions are considered a threat to the security of humanity and prohibited organizations unless they have sought and obtained redemption in accordance with the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum before the Day of Redemption.