Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law

one heaven iconVII.   Law

7.14 Corruption of Law

Article 328 - Enemy of State

Canon 3382 (link)

An Enemy of the State, also sometimes known as “enemy of the people” is any person or aggregate of persons, society or incorporated entity considered in conflict (“state of war”) with the policies of the Government.

Canon 3383 (link)

The modern concept of an “Enemy of the State” emerged in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century from four interlinked events being Private International Law, Private Central Banks, World War and Monopolization of Commercial Trade through Law:

(i) Private International Law through the Geneva Conventions and Hague Conventions for the first time defined the nature of conflict between and against vassals of the Roman Cult and what was considered permissible in times of war and emergency; and

(ii) Private Central Banks from the privately controlled Bank of England in the 19th Century, a growth of seizures of central banks of nations into privately controlled banks began at the start of the 20th Century, most notably the creation of the Federal Reserve Banks of the United States; and

(iii) The two world wars placed most developed nations into serious debt, funded by the newly privatized central banks, making them obligated and in most cases sending them bankrupt and so legally obligated to follow private bank protocols on restricting trade and commerce; and

(iv) The growth in controls such as licensing to monopolize and control commercial trade through law, hence the emergence of the “Trading with the enemy acts” within most developed nations with private central banks.

Canon 3384 (link)

Contrary to the popular notion that “treason” is the most prevalent example of being an “enemy of the state”, the most common prosecution is under the commercially enforced terms of “trading with the enemy”. The Trading with the enemy is a legal term referring to statutes of Government from 1914 onwards that prevent certain trade unless properly “licensed”. It is still used as grounds for the seizure of property, suspension of rights and imprisonment of citizens. It is also still used as grounds for the illegality and nullity of agreements.

Canon 3385 (link)

The word enemy was first invented at the Jesuit College of English in the late 16th Century then delivered through the guise of the Shakespeare portfolio as part of the introduction of the world’s first Mind Influence System that eventually replaced physical slavery with (voluntary) slavery of the mind. The word enemy is derived from two Latin words en(o) meaning “to fly, swim or move away (from)” and emere meaning “to buy, trade or purchase on credit”. Hence the true original meaning of the word enemy is “one who declines to buy, trade or purchase on credit with the Venetian/Khazar/Magyar traders/bankers”.

Canon 3386 (link)

Any claims that the term “enemy” historically meant anything other than “one who declines to buy, trade or purchase on credit with the Venetian/Khazar/Magyar traders/bankers” is completely false. Such claimed etymology as the term “enemy” meaningadversary, stranger, hostile or unfriendly” are completely contradictory to well established ancient Latin since the time of the Emperors such as adversor, externus, hostis and inimicus.

Canon 3387 (link)

In terms of the legal definition of an “enemy of the state” in Roman Law statute, the meaning is wholly consistent with the original and true meaning of “enemy” as a commercial term that may be arbitrarily assigned not simply to those who “declare war” against their Government as per Private International Law of the Roman Cult, but even those who simply live in areas deemed “enemy territory”.

Canon 3388 (link)

As it remains the primary duty of most Governments to protect the private Banks under ongoing terms of bankruptcy linked back to the formation of the Bank for International Settlements and the deliberate bankrupting of the world in the 1930’s, the primary goal of statutes defining “enemy of the state” is not national security but the security and safety of the banks and its elite owners.

Canon 3389 (link)

By definition, anyone who threatens the legalized monopoly and organized criminal syndicates of the private banks and traders is an "enemy" and as an "enemy of the state", the Government and its resources have an obligation to eliminate the threat.

Canon 3390 (link)

By maintaining various "states of emergency", most developed nations under Roman law have in effect been in a state of war against their own people by declaring them by default "enemies of the state" to protect the interests of a few banks and trading families for over sixty years.

Canon 3391 (link)

Because various developed nations under Roman Law have in effect been in a state of war against their own people by declaring them by default "enemies of the state", members of these societies have been required to obtain "licenses" to perform daily tasks that would otherwise be considered lawful and a right if not for the perversity of private international law and trading with the enemy statutes.

Canon 3392 (link)

Given all Private International law and all statutes defining "enemy of the state" are founded on fraud, organized crime and treason by members of government against their own people, all such law is considered null and void from the beginning having no effect.

Canon 3393 (link)

As private central banks and commercial banks have effectively been in a declared state of war against the people of developed societies for over sixty years, all such institutions are considered a threat to the security of humanity and prohibited organizations unless they have sought and obtained redemption in accordance with the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum before the Day of Redemption.