Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law

one heaven iconII.   Form

2.1 Form

Article 17 - Person

Canon 1498 (link)

A Person is a 16th Century CE created word (but falsely claimed from the 6th Century CE) defining a fictional Form of Property enclosing certain characteristics and appearances as the Identity of one or more Level 6 Higher Order Life Forms to which further Rights of Use are then annexed.

Canon 1499 (link)

The word Person comes from the Latin word persona in Latin meaning “mask, character or part of a play” and originates as a key element of the fraudulent treatise known as Corpus Iuris Civilis at the end of the 16th Century whereby all “persons” by their nature were falsely claimed to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican. The invention of Person from the 16th Century enabled the "enclosure" of the bodies of living flesh beings and the “alienation” of traditional and natural rights associated to them with “person” being viewed as a type of “property” which could be purchased, sold, seized or surrendered.

Canon 1500 (link)

The existence of a valid and proper Person requires the following minimum nine (9) elements to be present being Author, Script, Actor, Relation, Binding, Part, Actions, Record and Title:

(i) Author, also known as the Principal (including but not limited to the Creator, Trustor, or General Executor) and the holder of original Authority  is the term used to define the One empowered to direct the actions of the Actor (Agent or Trustee) in accord with the expressed Script; and

(ii) Script, also known as the Deed, or Covenant or Statute is the term used to define the instrument of empowerment by which the Author (Principal) directs the actions of the Actor (Agent) for the benefit of the Part (Identity and Beneficiary); and

(iii) Actor, also known as the Persona, or Interpreter, or Agent or Trustee is the term used to define the one who consents to perform the Part (Identity) in accord with the Script (Deed, Statute or Law); and

(iv) Relation, also being the Trust between the Author (Principal) to Actor (Agent) relation expressed as being either a General (Public) or Special (Private) appointment and where only three (3) types of Relation are possible being “self” or “another” or “not known”; and

(v) Binding, also known as the Agreement is the term used to define the formal binding of the Actor (Agent) to the performance of the Part (Identity) and consents as to the direction of the Author (Principal) in accord with the Script (Deed) such as a Vow, Oath, Acknowledgment, or Seal or Signature on paper; and

(vi) Part, also known as the Identity and the Beneficiary is the term used to define the fictional mask, or character to be supported by the Actor (Agent) at the direction of the Author (Principal); and

(vii) Actions, also known as Personation, is the actions of the Actor (Agent) performing and supporting the Part (Identity) as stated by the Script (Deed, Covenant or Statute); and

(viii) Record of Event, also known as Personification being the formal written memorial of the event of the Creation (Birth) of the Person through the previous elements of  Author, Script, Actor, Relation, Binding, Part, and Actions; and

(ix) Title to Beneficial Interest being the Property of the Person created by the Extract and Acknowledgment of the Record of Event.

Canon 1501 (link)

A Level 6 Higher Order Life Form may be associated to more than one Person associated with more than one Trust. However, a Level 6 Higher Order Life Form may not logically, legally or lawfully be:

(i) the holder of title for Beneficial Interest (Beneficiary) at the same time as acting in the capacity of Trustee (Actor); or

(ii) the holder of title for Beneficial Interest (Beneficiary) at the same time as acting in the capacity of Executor (Author or Principal).

Canon 1502 (link)

All Persons may be categorized according to the three (3) possible types of Relation being the Author (Principal) to Actor (Agent) being: 1st Person (Self), 2nd Person (Another) and 3rd Person (Not Known):

(i) 1st Person, also known as a Natural Person and in propria persona is when the competent mind of a carnate Level 6 Higher Order Life Form as Author (Principal) appoints, records and publishes themselves by Special (Private) appointment as Actor (Agent) by some solemn binding agreement. Therefore, a 1st Person or Natural Person possesses “natural title” to right of beneficial use associated with the 1st Person synonymous with such pronouns as “I, thou, me, my, mine, myself, we, us, our, ours and ourselves”; and

(ii) 2nd Person, also known as an Artificial Person is when a carnate Level 6 Higher Order Life Form as Author (Principal) appoints another carnate Level 6 Higher Order Life Form by Special (Private) appointment as Actor (Agent) by some solemn binding agreement. Thus, a 2nd Person or Artificial Person is synonymous with such pronouns as “you, yours, yourself and yourselves”; and

(iii) 3rd Person, also known as a Legal Person, or Statutory Person or Surrogate Person is when the Author (Principal) is hidden or not known and the Level 6 Higher Order Life Form fails to properly express any competent in propria persona (1st Person) or 2nd Person Author (Principal) to Actor(Agent) Relation prior to the commencement of any interpersonal intercourse. In the 3rd Person, the flesh and body of a Living Level 6 Higher Order Life Form is mis-taken, and presumed to be, by default, the "person" and the Statutes of Law, or Rules of the Court as Script (Deed) and the Judge or Magistrate as the Author (Principal). Thus, a 3rd Person or Legal Person is synonymous with such pronouns as “he, she, it, they, them, their, theirs and themselves”.

Canon 1503 (link)

A Person may possess greater or lesser authority, powers and rights than another. All authority and power of a Person is inherited from the limits of powers and authority of the Author (Principal):

An Author (Principal) is said to inherit the rights, authority and powers of the father and mother, unless specifically deprived by will; or

An Author (Principal) may be granted certain rights, authority and powers by the laws of a higher estate or trust to which they belong or rightfully possess a beneficial interest.

Canon 1504 (link)

All Persons may be categorized and ranked according to four (4) possible levels of authority, powers and rights from the greatest and highest powers and authority to the lowest and least powers and authority being (in order of rank): Divine, True, Superior and Inferior:

(i) A Divine Person is the purely Divine Spirit Person associated with a Divine Trust formed in accord with the sacred Covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum by the Divine Creator into which the form of Divine Spirit, Energy and Rights are conveyed; and

(ii) A True Person is the Form attributed to a True Trust formed when an associated Divine Trust already exists and there is a lawful conveyance of Divine Rights of Use and Purpose, known as “Divinity” to a True Trust associated with then the birth and existence of a living Level 6 Higher Order Life Form. A True Person can never be claimed or argued as higher than the Divine Person from which it derives its authority; and

(iii) A Superior Person is the Form attributed to a Superior Trust when an associated True Trust already exists and there is a lawful conveyance of First Right of Use and Purpose, known as “Realty” to a Superior Trust associated with the birth of a service or agreement associated with the Membership of a living Level 6 Higher Order Life Form to a valid Ucadia society. A Superior Person can never be claimed or argued as higher than the True Person from which it derives its authority; and

(iv) an Inferior Person or "Roman Person" is the Form attributed to any Western-Roman Trust and is the lowest standing and weakest of all valid forms of Persons. An Inferior Person can never be validly, legitimately, logically, legally, lawfully or morally claimed or argued as superior to a Superior Person.

Canon 1505 (link)

A Juridic Person is a type of Artificial Person created by a lawful act and association of two or more Level 6 Higher Order Life Form in accord with these canons:

(i) Only seven (7) Forms of Juridic Person are valid: Supreme, Universal, Global, Civil, Mercantile, Union and Inferior (Roman); and

(ii) An aggregate of Persons as a Juridic Person without at least two (2) active members of the Homo Sapien species ceases to have Form; and

(iii) No aggregate of persons intending to obtain Juridic personality, is able to acquire it unless competent authority has approved its statutes; and

(iii) Representing a juridic person and acting in its name are those whose competence is acknowledged by these Canons or by its own statutes; and

(iv) Upon the extinction of a Juridic Person, the allocation of its goods, rights and obligations is governed by law and its statutes. If these give no indication, they go to the Juridic Person immediately superior, always without prejudice to the intention of the founders and donors and acquired rights.

Canon 1506 (link)

Excluding Divine Personality, all Persons are temporary and based on temporary trusts:

(i) True Persons are extinguished upon the physical death of the flesh form associated with the True Trust, with Divine Right of Use returned to the associated Divine Trust; and

(ii) Superior Persons are extinguished upon the extinction of the associated True Trust or the abjuration of membership to the associated Ucadia Society, or the suspension or revocation of a particular membership or service, or a fundamental change to the deed or agreement of formation of the person; and

(iii) Juridic Persons are extinguished in accordance with their own statutes and superior competent authority. No Juridic Person, excluding Society Juridic Persons formed and named in accordance with Pactum De Singularis Caelum and associated covenants and charters, may exist for more than one hundred (100) years; and

(iv) Inferior Persons such as Legal Persons, also known as Statutory Persons and Surrogate Persons are extinguished upon the fulfilment of their purpose and intention, or upon exposure of fraud, or material breach of agreement, or presentment of a person of higher standing and authority.

Canon 1507 (link)

A failure to recognize a valid and properly constituted and formed Person or the claim of superior jurisdiction of an Inferior Person over a Superior Person or True Person cannot ecclesiastically, logically, legally, lawfully or sensibly be sustained and is therefore without force and effect with any subsequent judgment null and void ab initio (from the beginning).

Canon 1508 (link)

A Natural Person attributed to less than a Homo Sapien or higher order life form is automatically null and void from the beginning. Attributing a Natural or Artificial Person to an Animal, Notion or Thing is an unnatural and unlawful act.