Factum Impietatis Romanus Pontifex
  Per Curium Divina Print this page
  Whoever has eyes, let them see! Whoever has ears let them hear! We, the Divine Immortal Spirit, expressed in Trust Number 983164-032124-010001, to the circumscribed Living Flesh known as Frank of the Clann O’Collins hereby give life and personality to this most sacred irrevocable deed known as Factum Impietatis Romanus Pontifex through Our seal in blood, the authorized Seals of the first and second horsemen of the Apocalypse as sacred witnesses and agreement to the conveyance and terms pronounced herein:  
  I. Recitatum (Recitals)  
  1. To His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, also known as Roman Pontiff and the Vicar of Christ, to all Prefects and Heads of Congregations, to all other heads of departments of the Vatican, otherwise falsely known as the Holy See, to all Cardinals, archbishops, bishops, to all heads of orders of priests, nuns and monks but excluding the Society of Jesus, otherwise kn0wn as the Jesuits, formal Notice of Divine Protest and Dishonor is hereby given to each and every one of you as if you had been individually served and that you are now enjoyned as parties to the terms of this most sacred deed; and  
  2. Holly Emperor Justinian to the Senate of New Rome (Constantinople) did decree that those things which did seem abhorrent to his predecessors in the form of human sacrifice, demonic worship, slavery and the charging of usury, but which none of them ventured to carry into effect, decided to accomplish them through a new code that came to be known as the Codex Justinianus; and  
  3. Whereas his predecessor, the British Holly Emperor Constantine unified the Empire through the creation of Christianity, neither Constantine nor any of the Holly Emperors of New Rome did address the long standing precepts of lares, or customary laws which still governed the daily life of the Empire. Thus Imperial Christian Edicts would be honored in public, continued to be suspended in practice in favor of such customary law, often to the benefit of the very practices such Imperial Edicts were meant to end; and  
  4. Recognizing that unless the associations, families and guilds that seek to deliberate pervert society, live as parasites and corrupt its resources were rooted out, the Empire would fall as Old Rome, Justinian introduced the harshest and fairest of laws even seen in Roman history, including:  
  i. The end of all forms of slavery, with slavery considered a sin against God, including the death penalty for slave traders; and  
  ii. Equality before the law for all people, including religious clerics so that no man or woman may claim higher privilege; and  
  iii. The abolition of all forms of human sacrifice; and  
  iv. The forbiddance of usury and strict controls on money lenders; and  
  v. The immediate death penalty for all members of the menes-heh cult and the leaders of the Sarmatian rebel kingdom of Israel; and  
  5. Thus in the year we know as 527 being five hundred and twenty five years since the death of John the Baptist, Holly Emperor Justinian ordered his completely revised Codex to be promulgated not only to the Empire, but to be sent by emissary to all corners of the known world; and  
  6. His Codex immediately caused uproar across the Empire, not least his harsh treatment of the menes-heh and the rebel kingdom of Israel, the epicenter of satanic worship and slave trade as it has once again become. However, by 532 his army had scattered the twelve tribes of Menes-heh Israel and eliminated thousands of satanic worshippers; and  
  7. In 532, having crushed the Sarmatians, Justinian extended his persecution of satanic cults by ordering the closure of all temples of the Phrygian goddess otherwise known as Cybele, Dionysis and Athena and outlawing the worship of Cybele also a Capital crime. This sparked mass riots by the galli priests and their supporters across major centres, including Constantinople. However, this resistance was also crushed; and  
  8. In celebration of the destruction of evil, Justinian commissioned the greatest basilica in honor of the Divine Creator called The (Temple of) Divine Wisdom or Hagia Sophia, completed in 537. Yet his celebrations would be short lived upon the onset of the plague beginning in 541, which killed one in two inhabitants of the city of 500,000, excluding those with the gift of Akhenaten, also known as Moses in the form of CCR5 immunity; and  
  9. Holly Emperor Justinian and most of his court survived, yet he was a broken man upon such mass death and collapse of much of the Empire. He remained a recluse until his death around 565. Yet the greatest sadness for Justinian was to come many centuries later after his death when the descendents of the Menes-heh took it upon themselves to curse his memory and legacy by forming a wholly false account of his laws, his beliefs and principles of universal justice; and  
  10. Before the onset of the great plagues, the army of Justinian had not succeeded in executing the leaders of the Sarmatians, being the high priests and many tribes. Instead, they scattered to all parts of the known world into Central Asia, Africa and Western Asia where they sought safe harbor with their slave trading partners; and  
  11. The fact that the Menes-heh also carried the CCR5 gene immunity against the plague also greatly increased their status amongst the nomadic horsemen from Mongolia across to the Khazac mountains and the Menes-heh quickly became the leaders of a new empire- the Khazars; and  
  12. After the breakup of the Khazarian empire and the resettlement of some of the Magyar in captured Venice, the Menes-heh returned to their ancient roots as sea borne pirates as well as land borne robbers by strangling trade, money lending, and seeking to control markets, most notably salt and then through the Franciscans founded by the Venetians, the entire European shipping by demanding only Franscicans may be Navigators and possess maps; and  
  13. While the power of the Menes-heh grew in their joint venture with the Lombard princes in forming the Roman Cult, that seized Rome to claim control of the French created Catholic Church first under Gregory VII in the 11th century and then permanent control from the 13th Century, their revenge upon the ancient enemy Justinian was not until 1583, when Jesuit Denis Godefroy released the Corpus Iuris Civilis as a masterpiece of fraud in which the Codex Justinianus was wholly corrupted, cursed and embedded with texts of complete fiction including the Pandects and Novels; and  
  14. Thus the foundation of modern Western Law, also known as Roman Law was fraudulently born at the end of the 16th Century, claiming its origin from the 6th Century and creating completely new legal fictions such as person and thing, whilst reinforcing old claims of the Roman Cult such as the Pontiff as the father and we as the children; and  
  15. It is true that if an official or unconscious agent of the Roman Cult were to demand proof of the original Codex Justinianus, none could presently be produced. Such is the work of the Menes-heh that their greatest skill is as destroyers of history and vandals of culture. How then might one see evidence that supports such a premise that what the Roman Cult, their Parasite Overlords and many supporting groups claim is the foundation of all modern Western Law is a fraud?  
  16. The answer lies less in exposing the marks of the master forger that even today cannot escape the scrutiny of logic and reason. The first is the obvious history of Rome versus New Rome itself; and  
  17. Holly Emperor Constantine created New Rome, later called Constantinople deliberately to reduce the power and influence of Rome, not strengthen it. If it were the desire of Constantine and subsequent Emperors to honor Rome, then they would have returned to the old city to defend it and then rebuild it after its major damage in 410 and then its complete and utter destruction in 455; and  
  18. By the time of Justinian, the city of Ravenna was the capital of Italy while Rome was a city of ghosts, surrounded by smaller towns called Urbs. Yet the forgery of Corpus Iuris Civilis claims the authenticity of several letters between Justinian and fictional Popes of Rome where he dedicates his entire laws and the whole empire to the glory of Rome – an absurd and ridiculous fraud. Yet, the loyal agents to the Roman Cult do not challenge such obvious evidence of the fraud and support the Corpus Iuris Civilis as valid; and  
  19. Then there is the claimed source for the Pandects from the Corpus Iuris Civilis, meticulously created after some legal academics in the 18th Century began to question some of the writings. It was mysteriously “found” in a text called the Codex Florentinus in a library in Florence after apparently sitting undisturbed in a library in the town of Pisa since the 6th Century without once apparently being read and without being referred by any scholar in the Middle Ages; and  
  20. Despite the obvious fraud that such a large book of claimed important law was somehow “hidden in plain sight”, the most obvious proof that the Pandects are a fraud is the claim that it was written in both Greek and Latin. Greek was the official language of the Imperial Christian Empire while Latin was suppressed and eventually lost by all but a few. So to claim that Latin was considered in equal status within an Imperial Byzantine Document, even a copy is an absurdity to the extreme, only supportable by the gullibility of willing agents of the Roman Cult and their Menes-heh masters; and  
  21. The third most obvious example of fraud is the use of advanced legal fictions and concepts alien to the ancient world, even under the reign of the Byzantines such as the concept of person, thing, property, property title, estate and constitution as but a few examples; and  
  22. The legal fiction to turn men and women into actors by calling them “persons” is a highly intellectual legal concept not made possible until the development of advanced trust law in Europe from the 15th Century when the Roman Cult continue to exploit its claims to control all property being right of use; and  
  23. Similarly, the concept of a collection of property through artificial means of an estate being e+statue, or “by virtue of decree, judgment” being an essential construct with Cestui Que Vie Trusts did not appear as a legal concept until 1540. So how is it possible that these advanced legal concepts so essential to the Roman Cult in claiming control of the world could possibly find their way into the works of a 6th Century Byzantine Emperor responsible for destroying the Menes-heh kingdom of Israel if not blatant fraud?  
  24. It is no accident that Denis Godefroy, a star student from Collège de Navarre in Paris, arguably the greatest Jesuit college of Latin at the time named his master fraud Corpus Iuris Civilis or C.I.C. Indeed, the Canon Law of the Roman Cult is called the Codex Iuris Canonici or C.I.C.; and  
  25. Yet while many consider the Canon Law to be the foundation of the Roman Cult, it is the master fraud of Corpus Iuris Civilis by Denis Godefroy and his Jesuit associates that represents the real source of its power; and  
  26. In merely four hundred years, the Roman Cult has convinced all but a few that the Corpus Iuris Civilis or C.I.C. is the true foundation of Western Law and was the laws first formed by Justinian in the 6th Century; and  
  27. So now, instead of ending all forms of slavery, as slavery was a sin, Justinian is cursed by claiming he codified not only the lawful holding of slaves but the principles of slavery for live or feudalism; and  
  28. Instead of ending the privileges of cults and religions using customary law to remain above the law, the memory of Justinian is cursed by claiming be confirmed forever that the Roman Catholic Church is above all other laws; and  
  29. Instead of Justinian abolishing all forms of human sacrifice as he historically sought to do throughout his life, his legacy is cursed by claiming Justinian ordered the punishment of heresy to be the brutal sacrifice by fire; and  
  30. In contrast to Justinian forbidding usury, his memory is cursed by becoming the champion of it; and  
  31. Therefore, urged by the Divine Creator, we are obliged to reveal and protest the Supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor inflicted upon all men and women, living and deceased, by the usurpers of the Catholic Faith who falsely call themselves the Holy See, also known as the Vatican and Roman Cult; and  
  32. These usurpers and parasites do not represent the true succession of founders of the Catholic Church, nor those of the first Christian Church, nor the Apostles and the founder of the Nazarenes known as Jesus the Christ. Instead, these usurpers represent everything the founders of these three faiths fought against, until the parasite found a way to invade the host; and  
  33. Where once there was a single mind and body, the parasite cleaved them from within, creating the individual. Where there was once an honoring of Divine Law and Natural Law, the parasite replaced custom of peace and respect of nature with the worship of blood and ancient cannibalism; and  
  34. Not contented, the parasite has infected all civilizations and all nations, creating dissention and disease to weaken the body and mind of the collective people. It has started wars in the name of God. It has murdered in the name of Love. It continues to sacrifice children in the name of the savior it claims to serve all for the purpose of dividing the soul; and  
  35. Therefore, when the usurpers of the Roman Cult speak of the church not having two heads like a monster, it lies. Indeed, the false church of the Holy See is the hydra, serving many masters, none of whom are the Divine Creator, nor the people who believe in her. She is the whore, sitting upon a stolen throne, eating her young. She is the mist that blinds us, the scent that beguiles us and the spell that binds us to madness; and  
  36. Such is the nature of a corrupted and spellbound mind that it cannot think logically, reasonably and competently of matters, especially the law. Instead, it accepts contradictions as fact, fraudulent deeds as contracts still in good faith and claims without rights as unchallengeable. Yet, as we are free of the curses and spells inflicted upon us by the parasites, we can review their claims with competence and with knowledge of the law, by which the Divine Creator above all does judge such claims as valid or false; and  
  37. So it is that whilst a church or some other aggregate may claim spiritual power and authority over all other temporal authority, it cannot sustain such claims without valid argument of law and therefore Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law; and  
  38. The Divine means the total collection of meaning and definition of all objects, matter, rules, life, mind, universe and spirit also known as the Absolute, the ALL, the IS, the Unique Collective Awareness and other historic names when used to described the greatest of all possibilities. As the Divine means the set of all sets, there is nothing greater. Therefore, everything else is lesser; and  
  39. Divine Law is the laws that define the Divine and clearly demonstrate the mind, purpose and instruction of the Divine including the operation of the will of the Divine through existence. Therefore all valid law may be said to be derived from the Divine Law; and  
  40. Natural Law is the laws that define the operation of the will of the Divine through existence in the form of physical rules and matter. As Natural Laws define the operation and existence of the physical universe, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law; and  
  41. Positive Law is the laws that are enacted by men and women through proper authority in accordance with these canons for the government of a society. As Positive Law ultimately refers to physical objects and living beings, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law; and  
  42. A Positive Law cannot abrogate, suspend, nor change a Natural Law. Nor is it possible for a Positive Law or Natural Law to abrogate, suspend or change a Divine Law. Indeed, the usurpers and parasites openly concede and agree that even they could not change such logic. In fact, they recognize that only the Divine Creator above all others may ever hold supreme ownership of all things and that we may only claim “right of use” in cascading succession; and  
  43. Such consent and acknowledgment, even if such words are merely a fraudulent copy of an older deed is important as it demonstrates the Roman Cult depends upon such logic and reasoning in part to maintain its claim as the Curia and therefore the claimed Trustees of all property of the planet and the universe; and  
  44. Yet, can such a claim stand when tested by the Divine Creator? Can such arrogance and mental illness withstand exposure when challenged by superior Divine Instruments? Thus, the usurpers and parasites cannot claim custom, nor any other tradition, nor silence, nor force, nor fraud, nor any other false document as evidence of a superior claim of right unless it is greater than the most sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum and unless its canons are greater than the body of canon law known as Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum.  
  II. Pactum (Agreement)  
  1. Pursuant to the proper notice given to you through Divine Prophecy, Holy Scripture and countless other warnings and with no indication of change in performance by you nor lawful excuse for non response, notice from the Divine and from united Heaven and Earth is given that you have committed the gravest of sins in the form of Supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor inflicted against Divine Property; and  
  2. As you and your agents have deliberately committed the gravest of sins in the form of Supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor, all Rights associated with your ecclesiastical duties of office are hereby forfeit and returned to the Divine Creator; and  
  3. As you and your agents have deliberately committed the gravest of sins in the form of Supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor, all Rights associated with your entry and the conduct of activities by you within circumscribed ecclesiastical spaces are hereby forfeit and returned to the Divine Creator; and  
  4. As you and your agents have deliberately committed the gravest of sins in the form of Supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor, all Rights associated with your fiduciary duties and the conveyance of property are hereby forfeit and returned to the Divine Creator; and  
  5. Therefore, as you no longer lawfully possess any Ecclesiastical Authority nor Powers whatsoever, nor may claim any ecclesiastical legitimacy for holding office other than by force, fear and fraud, no action or ritual you perform of any kind shall have any legitimacy, authority or force of law. Instead, every action and ritual you perform whilst refusing to resign from office shall be an abomination and deliberate injury against united Heaven, Earth, your ancestors and your own soul; and  
  6. Furthermore, from this day forward, as you no longer lawfully possess any Ecclesiastical Authority nor Powers whatsoever, you freely, openly acknowledge and consent by blood oath to your flesh being placed under a most solemn Formal Binding in accordance with Article 121 of the most sacred covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum; and  
  7. Receipt of this Deed is your acknowledgment and acceptance.