Pactum De Singularis Caelum

Covenant of One Heaven

section iconSystems

Article 83 - Lost Souls Systems

Lost Souls Systems

In ages past, souls of men and women have been damned to hell and exile. They have been lost in the ghost world of regret and hate and pain. They have been left to rot and to sour the Earth and increase evil. They have been forgotten and mocked.

Now upon this blessed document it is the will of the Unique Collective Awareness that all men, women and higher order spirits, living and deceased, shall be one. That no soul shall be lost. That every soul shall be welcomed into the kingdom of Heaven.

It shall therefore be a primary goal of One Heaven to find every lost soul and bring them home.

Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems

The Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven shall be vested with the sole authority of the good management of the lost souls investigations and expeditions of One Heaven and the operation of the Lost Souls Agency of One Heaven.

The Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven shall be a direct appointment by deed of The Unique Collective Awareness of Great Spirits upon approval of the Supreme Council for whatever term The Unique Collective Awareness of Great Spirits deems is appropriate.

The role of Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven shall hold the dual position as a member of the Supreme Council with all the privileges and power of the role. The tenure as Supreme Councilor is determined by the concurrent tenure as a Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven of One Heaven.

The Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven shall also be a member of the Supreme Board ("the Blessed") charged with the responsibility of managing the day to day affairs of One Heaven.

Lost Souls Secretariat of One Heaven

The Lost Souls Secretariat of One Heaven shall be responsible for the administrative duties of the Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven and his reports to the Supreme Board and the Supreme Council.

Supreme Board of Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven

To ensure the good conduct of all office bearers and the fulfillment of services consistent with the rules of this Covenant a permanent committee known as the Supreme Board of Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven shall be established.

The Chairman of this Board shall be the Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven and the remaining members of the Board shall be the appointed National Directors of Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven in the various sovereign nations in which One One Heaven is established.

As Chairman of this Supreme Board of Lost Souls Systems, the Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven shall have the power to set all agendas, date for meetings and minutes of meetings. By this Covenant, the Supreme Board of Lost Souls Systems shall meet not less than four (4) times a year.

Vested by this Covenant, the Supreme Board of Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven shall have the power to veto the executive orders of the Chairman on a vote of simple majority with each member having one vote. However, the Board shall not have the power to veto motions relating to the payment of expenses and income.

Lost Souls Agency of One Heaven

By this Covenant, a permanent agency shall be established for the ongoing provision and management of knowledge and information services for One Heaven. This agency shall be known as the Lost Souls Agency of One Heaven.

By this Covenant the day to day management of the Lost Souls Agency of One Heaven shall be vested in the sole authority of the Director of Supreme Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven upon the approval of major decisions by the Supreme Board of Lost Souls Systems of One Heaven.

It shall be the primary mission of the Lost Souls Agency of One Heaven to ensure that the complete knowledge and information needs of the organization are considered as a whole and are met according to budgeted requirements and priorities.

Specifically, the agency shall also be responsible for handling the Supreme Lists of One Heaven which are then used by different parts of the organization to provide additional services.