Canonum De Ius Rex
Canons of Sovereign Law

one heaven iconI.   Introductory provisions

1.2 Concepts

Article 7 - Leader

Canon 5440 (link)

A Leader is a man or woman who is physically strong, able - bodied and powerful enough to protect and defend as the anointed ruler a particular tribe, community or society. It is one (1) of the four (4) very first ancient rights of sovereignty in civilized history first defined by the Cuilliaéan.

Canon 5441 (link)

The word Leader comes from 5th millennium BCE ancient Irish word Làidir meaning “strong, physically powerful, able - bodied”.

Canon 5442 (link)

As the true historical significance and proper meaning of Leader is one (1) of the first, oldest and most important rights of sovereignty in civilized history, any and all claims alleged officials including but not limited to any Monarch, Judge, Priest or Head of a Religion to be a valid leader are null and void unless such rituals were performed by a valid Cuilliaéan or valid descendent.

Canon 5443 (link)

Given the Khazarian tribes and descendents were never Holly, nor ever possessed any legitimate divine authority, no claimed Head, Sovereign, Monarch, Emperor, Pope, King or Queen possessing Khazarian bloodline has ever been a valid Leader.

Canon 5444 (link)

As all powers, authority and privilege previously granted to the Cuilliaéan have now been permanently vested to the most sacred covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum, all associated powers, ritual and authority concerning leaders is now subject to those valid officials considered leaders in accordance with these Canons.