Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law

one heaven iconVI.   Argument

6.4 Rhetoric

Article 205 - Kudos

Canon 2695 (link)

Kudos is the first of six (6) Methods influencing the type of Rhetoric and its delivery. It defines the qualities of name, recognition, renown of the speaker. The word originates fromthe Ancient Greek κuδος (kudos) meaning “praise, renown”.

Canon 2696 (link)

Kudos is the first of three "intrinsic" methods and qualities of a speaker in using Rhetoric as it considered inherent and inseparable with the name and identity of the speaker.

Canon 2697 (link)

Kudos is a key method of influence through Rhetoric as audiences prefer to hear from people they believe they know and trust. Therefore, the more positively known a name, in theory the more influential.