Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law

one heaven iconI.   Introductory Provisions

1.2 Concepts

Article 12 - Normality

Canon 1468 (link)

Normality is a fictional Model of Reality constructed from claimed rules and standards called Norms implying Moral perfection and correctness. Hence normal also means right, square, not deviating or differing from a standard.

Canon 1469 (link)

The first model of Normality was formed by the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican, also falsely known as Holy See through its inferior Canon Law with such Canons defined as Norms. Therefore, any rule or standard not agreeing with the inferior rules of the Roman Cult have been branded abnormal.

Canon 1470 (link)

As the claimed rules of the Roman Cult do not comply to the superior standards of law as defined by these Canons, it is these Canons and no other that represent the Norms. Therefore, it is the inferior rules of the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican that must be regarded as abnormal.

Canon 1471 (link)

When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Norms”, “Normal”, or “Normality”, it shall mean these canons and no other.