Canonum De Lex Ecclesium
Canons of Ecclesiastical Law

one heaven iconII.   Supernatural

2.3 Supernatural Phenomena

Article 43 - Precognition

Canon 3736 (link)

Precognition is a term used to define an ancient belief that certain people at certain times have the ability to foresee elements of future events. The terms premonition, and presentiment are qualities of precognition through emotions.

Canon 3737 (link)

The supernatural ability associated with Precognition, Premonition and Presentiment is known as Clairvoyance.

Canon 3738 (link)

In accordance with Divine Law and Natural Law, an effect (future) cannot occur before its cause (present). Therefore, the concepts of Predetermination and fixed Destiny are wholly false. Therefore any Precognition, Premonition and Presentiment can only be future possibilities, not certainties.

Canon 3739 (link)

As the universe and existence is unique collective awareness in motion, there is no law of nature that precludes precognition, premonition or presentiment of future possibilities.

Canon 3740 (link)

The nature and necessity of rules of Natural law to preserve existence gives rise to a level of “predictability” in the sequence of events known as the laws of possibility. Thus all Precognition, Premonition and Presentiment is possible, yet alterable to the extent that the predictable sequence of events itself is altered changing likely outcomes.

Canon 3741 (link)

The receiving of a Precognition, Premonition or Presentiment itself materially affects the possible outcomes of the future, by affecting the present, therefore proving that Predetermination and fixed Destiny are wholly false. Thus, such visions are more appropriately spiritual attempts to change future possibilities rather than reinforcements of alleged fixed destiny.