Canonum De Lex Ecclesium
Canons of Ecclesiastical Law

one heaven iconVI.   Institution

6.2 Property and Rights

Article 185 - Property and Goods

Canon 4567 (link)

All Religions and Cults have the right to acquire, retain, administer and alienate goods and personal property by lawful means in accordance with the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum and these canons.

Canon 4568 (link)

No Religion or Cult may acquire, retain, administer and alienate goods independently from competent civil power.

Canon 4569 (link)

Under the supreme authority of the Society of One Heaven, ownership of all goods belongs to that person which has acquired them legitimately.

Canon 4570 (link)

A Religion or Cult has the right to request from its members who have reached the age of majority and reason that they provide their financial as well as moral support.

Canon 4571 (link)

All Religions and Cults are forbidden to hide their ownership and control of property and goods. Where such fraud is exposed, a Religion or Cult automatically forfeits such property and goods.

Canon 4572 (link)

By virtue of primacy, governance and right, the Society of One Heaven is the supreme administrator and steward of all ecclesiastical property and goods.

Canon 4573 (link)

No Religion or Cult, including all its subsidiaries as one, may ever own, possess or control directly or indirectly more than one twentieth of the property and goods of a community, region, state or nation.

Canon 4574 (link)

Any Religion or Cult that owns, possesses or controls directly or indirectly more than one twentieth of the property and goods of a community, region, state or nation is compelled to immediately surrender without charge such title and property to the benefit of the community as a whole.