Canonum De Ius Cogitatum
Canons of Cognitive Law

one heaven iconII.   Mind (PSY)

2.6 Concepts of Volition

Article 64 - Disagree

Canon 1079 (link)

Disagree, also known as "Non Consent" is to not agree nor conform.

Canon 1080 (link)

Disagree is the twelfth of fourteen (14) concepts of Volition. Disagree is conceived and chosen in the mind, before it is exhibited in intention or behavior.

Canon 1081 (link)

As to Disgree is equivalent to not consent in the mind first as an act of volition, the oration or writing of non agreement is merely confirmationitself.

Canon 1082 (link)

As to Disagree or Not Consent is an act of volition, the mind must first have observed the facts upon which consent is presumed. If the mind has not observed the necessary facts required to make a choice to not consent, then no agreement or consent can possibly be presumed.

Canon 1083 (link)

The most forceful confirmation of nonconsent by volition is when it is pronounced as nonconsent. The most forceful confirmation of nonconsent in writing is when the words "I do not consent" or the Latin Vi Coactus through the letters V.C. or three (3) elipse "..." are written with signature or thumbprint touching.

Canon 1084 (link)

When the necessary facts to make a valid choice have not been presented at the appropriate time and place, then a man or woman have the absolute right to amend their choice of consent to nonconsent or vice versa at any time after the fact and record of such a decision must legitimately be retrospectively applied.

Canon 1085 (link)

Any entity, body or official that ignores nonconsent to proceed as if consent has been given is guilty of deliberately corrupting a fundamental tenet of law and is therefore guilty themselves of grave dishonor.