Canonum De Ius Cogitatum
Canons of Cognitive Law

one heaven iconV.   Mind Influence (PSYTELL)

5.2 Mind Influence System

Article 134 - Parliament

Canon 1378 (link)

Parliament is a term used to define an elected body possessing the duty and function to meet and resolve legal controversies of a given society, as well as the exercising of legislative powers as required.

Canon 1379 (link)

The term Parliament was first invented at the Jesuit College of English in the late 16th Century, then delivered through the  guise of the Shakespeare portfolio as part of the introduction of the world’s first Mind Influence System that eventually replaced physical slavery with (voluntary) slavery of the mind. The word Parliament is derived from four (4) Latin words par(s) meaning “stage, side, direction, role, duty, function,degree”, lis / litis meaning “a legal controversy, action, suit”, ab / a meaning“ in connection to, concerning, about” and ment (is) meaningMind”. Hence the true original meaning of the word Parliament is “to direct legal controversies, action, suits in connection to (concerning) the mind”.