Canonum De Ius Cogitatum
Canons of Cognitive Law

one heaven iconIII.   Biological Systems (PSYBIO)

3.6 Biological Malfunctions

Article 112 - Autoimmune Malfunction

Canon 1267 (link)

Autoimmune Malfunction, also known as “Immune Malfunction” is a Biological Malfunction caused by damage or suboptimum performance of the immune system of an organism.

Canon 1268 (link)

Immune Malfunctions may be classified into four (4) main categories being malimmune, hypoimmune, hyperimmune and trauma:

(i) a malimmune disorder, also known as “inflammatory disease” and “cancer” is when the immune system fails to effectively perform against certain pathogens or threats while performing its functions properly in other areas; and

(ii) a hypoimmune disorder, also known as “immunodeficiency” is when the immune system is chronically underactive and fails to act against all pathogens and threats against the health of the body; and

(iii) a hyperimmune disorder, also known as “autoimmune disease” is when the immune system is chronically overactive and acts against normal and healthy tissues and substances in the body; and

(iv) trauma is the physical injury to the body causing minor or massive malfunction to the immune system.

Canon 1269 (link)

In respect to malimmune disorders and “cancer”, certain parasite cultures that prey off a “host” organism have developed sophisticated counter measures to immune systems:

(i) Parasitic fungi have specialized to attack certain types of species such as candida and Homo Sapiens through the use of “chemical cloaking” by producing enzymes, amino acids and even peptides complimentary to the body of the host, thus tricking the immune system into “switching off” any threat response; and

(ii) Certain Bacteria have specialized to produce powerful retrovirus that mimic the outer design and chemical coatings of key components of the immune system, allowing the virus to by-pass the organisms defenses and commence producing the bacteria cells internally.

Canon 1270 (link)

In respect of hypoimmune disorder, also known as “immunodeficiency”, the major causes are man-made and include chemo-therapy, anti-viral drugs:

(i) Chemotherapy as a “scorched earth” against the body is the most common response to malimmune disorders, usually producing an explosion in “dead cells as food” for the fungus as well as associated parasitic bacteria; and

(ii) Anti-viral drugs as a direct attack on the immune system, often causing its chronic failure.