Canonum De Ius Virtus Naturae
Canons of Bioethics Law

one heaven iconII.   Life

2.7 Medical Research

Article 68 - Medical Research

Canon 4998 (link)

Medical Research, also known as biomedical research, is any research using the approved “guild approved standard practices” (GASP) associated with the particular field of research and medicine.

Canon 4999 (link)

Medical Research may be divided into two (2) generalized categories being Pre-Clinical and Clinical:

(i) Preclinical Medical Research is focused on extending knowledge for the development of new medical strategies and treatments; and

(ii) Clinical Medical Research is the evaluation of new strategies and treatments for safety, effect and efficacy before its potentially wider use.

Canon 5000 (link)

Guild Approved Standard Practices (GASP) are specific guidelines, instructions and restrictions instituted by various private medical guilds over the conduct of certain Medical Research. In most cases, GASPs enable private medical guilds to maintain monopolies and controls over fields of study by constricting who can research, what can be researched and how.

Canon 5001 (link)

Guild Approved Standard Practices (GASP) by their nature choke affordable, independent, transparent and objective based research, usually producing compromised, often subjective results using a range of deliberate unethical directions including but not limited to Cost, PreScreening, Time Delays, Filtering and Advertorial:

(i) Cost is a tool limiting the affordability and viability of preclinical research and clinical trials through the demand via “GASP” for large randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials, thus making such research only affordable by limited sources of private investment; and

(ii) PreScreening is the contradictory allowance of certain screening of test trial subjects to identify “suitability” to be included in trial even though it is supposed to be a random and independent clinical trial, allowing artful skewing of best subjects for test and worst subjects for placebo, or vice versa; and

(iii) Time Delays means research and trials can often take several years, resulting in restricted data for the community and possibly less relevance by the time of final publication; and

(iv) Filtering is the filtering of raw clinical research into final statistical models, often applying “normalizations” and other bias techniques which can substantially alter the appearance of final results, including the non production of negative results in final reports, without releasing raw, unprocessed clinical results; and

(v) Advertorial is the selective editing and printing of favorable articles in private medical journals concerning clinical trials before any public articles or access to key research can be investigated and thoroughly reviewed.

Canon 5002 (link)

Guild Approved Standard Practices (GASP) are more commonly known by the deliberately false and misleading acronyms of “evidenced based medicine” (EBM) and “evidence based practices” (EBP) specific guidelines, instructions and restrictions instituted by various private medical guilds over the conduct of certain medical research.

Canon 5003 (link)

As Guild Approved Standard Practices (GASP) are designed to promote corruption and restrict genuine independent research, private medical guilds are banned from proposing and “managing” such standards including the forbiddance to use the deliberately misleading terms “Evidence Based Practices” (EBP) and “Evidence Based Medicine” (EBM).

Canon 5004 (link)

The use of Vertebrate life forms in Medical Research is strictly forbidden, reprobate and not permitted to be revived unless the test subjects are Homo Sapien and clear and willing consent has been granted with full disclosure of the risks and possible consequences.

Canon 5005 (link)

As the use of Vertebrate life forms in Medical Research is strictly forbidden, the holding of animals in laboratories or research facilities for the purpose of testing is strictly forbidden, reprobate and not permitted to be revived.